Eat Less Meat, Cool the Planet

The single most effective thing you can do

In a fun and social way

21 days with a meat-free lunch or dinner?

Challenge a friend or yourself - you CAN make a difference

How it Works

1. Sign up and get ready for monday

Challenges are great fun together with a friend - so make sure they sign up as well - however you can also participate as individual.

Have 21 days with a meat-free dinner or lunch

We will send you daily text messages with motivating tips and facts. You reply to the message with Yes or No to whether you succeed

See the results and reward yourself

Get your own - and your friends - results and CO2 savings every third day. For each day you succeed you earn  €0.20  discount in our Eco Shop


This is fab! It's definitly not as hard as it seems!

Marian, US

Hey that was fun! I won the bet with my friend - had 19 succesful days

Alex, UK

Feels good to have done at least a little bit ;-)

Frida, Denmark

We believe that even small changes matter

For yourself - for the environment - for all of us

Small steps can make a difference