About us


Hi I´m Brian, the founder of 21Actions.

Maybe you came here for the same reasons i made this place.

Basically it´s about having been on the sideline of things for too long.

Not in life in general - but in doing something to protect our planet.

Politicians have been talking for decades without taking much action.

I haven´t taken much action.

So it´s time to step in - as time is running short.


But how? - and what actually makes a difference?

It may seem as if our tiny individual
efforts don´t matter in the big picture -

but I found out - it does!

Let´s take meat production, 
which alone creates the same amount of greenhouse gases
as all the cars, planes, trains and ships in the world. 

I started to dig into this
and came up with a few simple actions 
that DO make a difference.

And they ARE achieveable for you and me

If you have kids let them be part of your 21 day challenge

After all they have to deal with the mess we are making,
and we need to educate the future generations as well.

I hope you will join the movement
and see for yourself that your first 21 days matter!